Sunday, October 1, 2017

plenty of links and a few recs

I thought I'd take a moment this morning to throw out some links to various things.

First, links to my goodreads and librarything accounts, because I've been using them to load up books I've been reading and listening to. I'm actually surprised at how many things I read that aren't necessarily primarily romances. I think this is a good thing. I use reading as a way to learn about the world and ways to think about the world, so exploring a variety of topics can only make me a better writer.

And I wanted to give a shout out to Delilah and her new story, The Bounty:

She's a very good writer with a great sense of character and plot.
I've been included in two anthologies she has put together.
Here they are:

(het stories, for those who lean that way)

And, then on the m/m and other wonderful orientation and identity side of things:

An awesome looking noir and vampire story by Kim Fielding:
(pre-order, it looks very good!)

And Skylar M. Cates very intriguing story about athletics:

And, now I'm off to do some cooking for the day and make some healthy lunches for the week. I came across this link to a lentil dahl recipe:
I love curry and I like using ingredients that are good for me (like lentils, which rock the world) so I'm going to give this one a try and see how it turns out. It also looks like it will take very well to freezing, which makes life so much easier to have back-up food in the freezer than can be microwaved at a moment's notice.

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