Saturday, September 14, 2013

scientific notation shocker!

Okay, so this probably isn't a shock to anyone else but me, but somehow I missed that an E can stand in for a ^ when denoting the superscript part of the notation.  How did I miss that, all these years?

I am flabbergasted!  What's up with that, educational system? I am sad!  I don't like having these empty spots in my knowledge.

I went looking online for a good example of this mysterious E, and it took me a bit to find an example, so I'm wondering if perhaps it isn't quite as common, really.

I copied the following from , to show as an example:

0.000001 sec. or 1.0E-6 or 1.0^-6

Did everyone know about the E, or is it ^ all the way?


  1. You know, as a kid I enjoyed adding and multiplying very large and very small numbers on a calculator looking for interesting answers (yeah, I was the kind who read the dictionary for fun too), and I remember getting results with that E notation and being very confused. I probably could have figured it out if I'd done some problems on paper to compare.

    Shoved that mysterious E to the back of my head and forgot about it all until now. Thank you for filling that gap!

  2. No problem! :) Mysteries are meant to be solved! I hadn't even thought about that E being on the calculator!

    I loved playing with the calculator, too. Except, i always liked the ones best where you could punch in the numbers, turn the display upside down, and you had *words*.
