Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Queer Sci Fi: Impact (I made the list!)


Check out the link to see the official post, with all the many stories that made it into the new flash fiction anthology that Queer SciFi is doing this year.

My flash fiction made the list this year!

The title is "Low Tech Impact" -- and I'm really happy about this. I've had a busy year with things that have taken me away from writing (as evidenced by my drift away from social media for a little bit) and finding the time to write the flash fiction was a small struggle at the time, and now I'm so glad that I made the extra effort. It feels really, really good to be included with so many other spectacular writers. It keeps me *feeling* like a writer. And I know that soon I will be getting back to writing more often, just as soon as the pesky stuff in life is dealt with.

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