Saturday, January 5, 2019

soup, and story #3

I changed from tea to hot chocolate, and had some soup for dinner. I am feeling much better now that I've had a full day to actually rest (not try to go to work and gut my way through the day) and suspect that tomorrow I'll be back to running errands and doing laundry, even if not quite at the same rate as usual.

But after my afternoon nap, I read my third story for the day from the Once Upon a Rainbow Vol. 2 anthology, "Deathless" by Emmalynn Spark.

This story was quite engrossing. While all the stories in the anthology are fairy tales of a sort, this one had a lyrical-ness to its framework that was so pleasant to slide into and ride like a wave as the story unfolded around me. The Prince goes to slay the evil wizard, because that's how the story goes, but does it really? A little bit of meta toward the end of the story while within the story was just a perfect touch, and the story ended exactly as it should have. All the fairytale elements of this were build solidly and deftly, and the touches of humor were light. I think I'd call this something Bluebeard-esque but really that's just the barest of bones to start "Deathless" by, because the rest of the story feels a bit more like Howl's Moving Castle in some elements. A lovely romance.

And now I guess I'll be off to bed for a full night's sleep.

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